WCA Field trips
8th-grade students of Wildwood Christian Academy will be participating in a five-day educational program to Washington D.C./Gettysburg with American Christian Tours (ACTS). Participants will experience the trip of a lifetime to DC's historical sites, monuments, and museums. Students will be immersed in the rich history and Biblical foundations of America. They will walk the grounds of George Washington's Mt. Vernon estate, tread the Gettysburg Battlefield in Pennsylvania, and stand on the marbled steps of Lincoln's memorial. Your student will grow in spiritual depth through daily devotions and prayer while developing leadership as they witness firsthand the wisdom of influential leaders. We invite you to pray about how your 8th-grader may participate in this wonderful trip in the spring.
Highlights: Arlington National Cemetery, Mount Vernon, Museum of the Bible, United States Capitol, Illumination of Memorials, Holocaust Museum, Gettysburg Battlefield, and more!
6th Grade students of Wildwood Christian Academy participate in a week long Outdoor Education Camp hosted by Hume Lake. Hume Lake Outdoor Education Camp is an opportunity for students to unplug from daily distractions and experience personal communion with the Lord. Students will build upon their friendships with one another through continual fellowship, worship, and prayer. It is so special to see how God’s grand design clearly comes across when we are immersed in His creation. Hume Lake Outdoor Education Camp is a Christ-centered week-long event topped with loads of outdoor fun.