Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

  • Wildwood Christian Academy serves students from Junior Kindergarten through 12th grade.

    • On Campus Elementary (K-5th): 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM

    • On Campus Middle School (6th-8th): 7:45 AM - 2:45 PM

    High School: Schedule varies based on course selection.

  • The school year begins in August. Check the academic calendar for the exact date.

  • Yes, chapel is a regular part of the school schedule every Thursday. Students participate in worship, listen to a biblical message, and engage in faith-based discussions.

  • The Bible can be our guide in so many areas of our lives. One area is the education of our children.

    Deuteronomy 6:6-7 And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.

    Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

    We know the hearts of our children are important. Wildwood Christian Academy provides an environment where not only education is important, but the condition of the student's heart is just as important. WCA partners with the parents to help feed the students the nourishment that the Bible brings to the heart.

Admissions & Enrollment

  • Applications are accepted in the order they are received. If a class is full, students are placed on a waiting list. At-home learning students receive priority for open spots in on-campus classrooms.

  • At home students who wish to transition to on campus learning must follow the standard enrollment process and may be placed on a waiting list if classes are full.

  • Wildwood Christian Academy uses Renaissance student assessments for math and reading to determine academic readiness.

  • We recommend you begin to utilize SCRIP and all the benefits it will bring to help keep the cost of your tuition down.

    Financial aid applications will be accepted in February. There is a $35 financial aid application fee paid at the time of submission.

Academics & Curriculum

  • Yes, the academy allows students to mix and match curriculums to tailor their education to their learning style.

  • Yes, families can request to switch instructional models mid-year, subject to administrative approval and additional course fees.

  • Parents are responsible for tracking progress and submitting grades according to school guidelines.

  • Yes, foreign language courses are available as part of the curriculum.

  • You can find our curriculum outline on the curriculum page or by clicking the buttons below.

  • We are not obligated to teach our students to the new Common Core standards. Please see our statement about Common Core on the curriculum page or by clicking below.

  • Classes may be combined depending upon student enrollment.

  • No, Kindergarten is a full day program. With a student maximum of 20 students. Additional information can be found on the classroom page or by clicking the button below.

Tuition & Financial Information

  • Tuition fees are subject to change annually. Parents are notified in advance of any increases.

  • No, families may choose annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or 10-month payment plans through FACTS Tuition Management.

  • Families can choose from 1, 2, 3, or 10-month payment plans, managed through FACTS Tuition.

  • FACTS is an online tuition payment program at WCA. It allows payments to be made online, via mobile device, and by telephone. Once your student has been accepted to WCA, you will receive a web link to set up your families FACTS online account. Your FACTS account balance will reflect your SCRIP credit each month.

Extracurricular Activities
& Sports

  • Yes! Students enrolled in both on-campus and at-home learning programs can participate in school sports.

  • The academy offers various athletic programs, including co-ed flag football cross country softball, soccer, and track for 3rd-8th grade. High school students are eligible to participate in intramural sports including co-ed soccer, volleyball, pickleball and bowling.

  • Yes, WCA participates in competitive sports leagues for 3rd - 8th grade students.

  • Yes, the school is exploring additional sports opportunities based on student interest.

Student Life & School Policies

  • Students must adhere to the school uniform policy. Hoodies are only allowed if they meet dress code guidelines.

  • Students must wear closed-toe shoes that comply with the dress code policy.

  • Yes! Students may wear Wildwood spirit shirts or appropriate free-dress attire on Fridays.

  • We do offer before and after school care, called Warrior Care. Click the button below to find out more. If you are a family needing care before or after school, please be sure to include that on your application.

Lunch & Campus Facilities

  • Students bring their own lunch. Hot lunch (Chick-Fil-A) is available to be purchased for your student the last TWO Thursdays of the month for Kindergarten - 12th grade.
    Microwaves are NOT available for student use.

  • Students eat in designated outdoor lunch spaces in our courtyard.

Safety & Campus Procedures

  • Safety measures include:

    • On duty security officer

    • Locked exterior doors during the school day

    • Security cameras monitored by staff

    • Regular emergency drills

    • Law enforcement support when necessary

  • There is no full-time school nurse, but staff can administer basic first aid. For serious medical issues, parents are contacted immediately.

Parental Involvement
& Special Programs

  • Yes! Parents are encouraged to volunteer and must complete Megan’s Law clearance before participating.

  • Yes, WCA provides support for struggling learners, but does not have a dedicated special needs program.

    29. How come there is no special needs program established at the school?
    WCA does not currently offer a special education program but works to accommodate students within the resources available.

  • WCA does not currently offer a special education program but works to accommodate students within the resources available.